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                迈顿 · 公司简介



                从 2008 年╱成立至今,迈顿∞工业园已建成 10 万平米的智能照明电气、非标定制,户外亮化产品生产基地,集研发、设计、生产,销〓售于一体。产品远销海内外,尤其是国内已经╲开发了 1000+的服务网点,17 个省级分公司。


                Myton Electric focuses on the high-end intelligent/lighting/electrical/outdoor lighting products, for many years to high-end residential, star hotels, and high-end commercial space and other places to provide overall intelligent/lighting/electrical solutions and product output. Myton Electric insists on providing users with high quality lighting design, quality products (electrical & lighting & intelligent/outdoor) and improving space aesthetics as the core values, people-oriented, adhere to Innovate and keep pace with The Times.

                Adhering to the craftsman's heart, and the love of products, adhere to the spirit of innovation and the pursuit of service, Maiden Electric has designed and developed a number of products that are loved by consumers. After years of brand influence, it has slowly entered thousands of households and provided high-quality product experience.

                Since its establishment in 2008, Maton Industrial Park has built 100,000 square meters of intelligent lighting electrical, non-standard customization, outdoor lighting products production base, set research and development, design, production, sales in one. Products are sold at home and abroad, especially the domestic has developed more than 1000 service outlets, 17 provincial branches.

                Myton adheres to brand operation, makes the brand more international vision, and constantly integrates high-end fashion original design at home and abroad to bring users a stylish and personalized life experience and lifestyle
